About the site
How can this practice, only emerging in France, be made more visible: ecopsychotherapy? Maybe from this observation: one of the stake of our era is the harmonisation of the relation between humans and nature. Does psychotherapy play a part in this field? Yes, when it contributes to increasing our awareness of the living world, as well as connecting us to what is alive within us.
I created this website with the wish to make more space for nature in psychotherapy. To inform, to tempt others into experimenting this, to help find a practitionner. To help professionals find a course. To support connections between the people who are researching this evolving field.
I am Yann Desbrosses, psychotherapist in Champs sur Marne (77) and in Paris. I practice ecopsychotherapy, psycho-organic analysis and EMDR, according to my patients needs and demands. I also practice supervision. With my colleague Julia Boyer, an environmental psychologist and transpersonal therapist, we host the continuous psychotherapeutic group “My nature”, which takes place in natural spaces in Seine and Marne. We also offer professionals a training cycle on psychotherapy in contact with nature.
I also contribute scientific watches on ecopsychotherapies for the French Federation Jardin Nature et Santé (Gardens Nature and Health). As the president of the editorial board of the SOFRAPSY, French Society of psycho-organic analysts, I follow/supervise my colleagues’ clinical writings.
I wrote the following article on ecopsychotherapy: Nature as a therapeutic mediation, when psychotherapy opens to the environment.
Finally ecopsychology is one of the pillars which support me and nurture my journey, particularly the “Work that reconnects” initiated by Joanna Macy.
Find out more: http://www.yanndesbrosses.com/
An evolving process
Maybe reading this site has motivated you to share information you consider useful? Names of practitionners, book references, articles or videos, web links… Your participation is invaluable, do not hesitate to send me a message: yanndesbrosses@gmail.com. I will include your contributions to the site if they seem appropriate. Indeed, the path to open public awareness of ecopsychotherapies is still long, and all energies are welcome.
You might also have questions concerning this site, or points of disagreement, requests. Feel free to contact me to discuss this.
Photo credit: Carine TEDESCO for the LLE dance company.