Learn more about:
Beth Collier’s website. Practioner in the London area: individual and group ecopsychotherapy sessions, training, supervision, articles, videos, podcasts: http://www.bethcollier.co.uk/
Sean O’ Caroll’s website. Practioner near Melbourne in Australia: individual and group ecopsychotherapy sessions, training, supervision, blog: https://www.wild-mind.com/ecopsychotherapy
Training in ecopsychotherapy
In France with Yann Desbrosses and Julia Boyer: http://www.yanndesbrosses-therapeute.info/formation-pros.html
In England with Beth Collier: https://naturetherapyschool.com/
In England with Roger Duncan and his team: https://www.confer.uk.com/depth-courses/ecopsychotherapy.html
In England: https://www.confer.uk.com/module/module-ecopsychotherapy.html
Jean-Pierre Le Danff’s website : https://ecopsychologiefrance.wordpress.com/
Le site de Patrick Guérin et Marie Romanens : www.eco-psychologie.com
The “work which connects” in France: Roseaux dansants (Dancing reeds) http://roseaux-dansants.org/
The “work which connects” in Belgium: Terr’Eveille http://terreveille.be/
A site indexing various “Work which connects” workshops: http://www.ateliersdetravailquirelie.sitew.fr/
The Schumacher college, training centre in England: https://www.schumachercollege.org.uk/
Joanna Macy’s website : https://www.joannamacy.net/
The English school “Natural Academy”: https://www.naturalacademy.org/facilitators
The English site : https://www.ecopsychology.org.uk/training
Chris Robertson’s website : https://culture-crisis.net
The site of the French Federation of Garden, Nature and Health (FFJNS): https://f-f-jardins-nature-sante.org/
Isabelle Boucq’s blog : https://lebonheurestdanslejardin.org/
The French-speaking federation of practitioners in sylvotherapy/ forest bathing and shinrin-Yoku : http://en-chemin-vers.eu/
The English information site : https://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/types/econature-therapy
On ecoanxiety (or solastalgia):
Charline Schmerber’s website : http://www.solastalgie.fr/